How a Google Sheets Content Calendar Will Help You Create Better Content in Less Time

If you're a solopreneur, you know that creating content can be a daunting task. You have to come up with ideas, write the pieces, format them, post them, and promote them. And you have to do all of this while also running your business! I mean you don't have a marketing team with content calendar software run by expensive social media marketers. Are you feeling anxious yet It's enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed.
But there's one tool that can help you streamline the content creation process: a content calendar. A content calendar is exactly what it sounds like—a calendar that outlines all of the content ideas you plan to create and publish. Having a content calendar helps you stay organized and on track so you can hit your content goals. It's like having an entire team in a Google Calendar. Plus, it's a great way to track your progress and see what's working (and what's not).
If you're not using a content calendar, now is the time to start. And if you're not sure where to begin, don't worry—I've got you covered. This blog post will show you how to create content calendars using a Google Sheet template. Once you've got your Google docs content calendar set up, you'll be able to easily see what needs to be done and when it needs to be done so you can stay on track with your content strategy. Let's get started creating the big picture!

Creating content can be a huge time suck.

Before you even begin to write or record or create, you need to do keyword research, see what kind content you need for search engines AND for your audience. A content calendar can keep you on track and save time. By having a written schedule that includes ideas and keywords you can get busy making content right away.

Why You Should Use A Content Calendar

The main benefit of using a content calendar is that it will help you produce better content in less time. By having all your ideas and keyword research in one place, you can avoid the time-consuming task of starting from scratch each time you sit down to create something new. It's a content planning game changer.

Another advantage of using a content calendar is that it allows you to batch your work. Batching is when you bunch similar tasks together and complete them all at once. This is an incredibly efficient way to work because it saves you from having to switch gears every time you want to create something new. Especially considering the time involved with social media marketing. When everything is laid out in front of you, all you have to do is follow the schedule and begin creating.

Creating a content calendar is simple.

  • 1
    Step 1

    All you need is a simple Google Sheet with four columns: date, type of content, topic, and keywords. Of course, you can add more columns if there’s other information you want to include, but these four are essential.
  • 2
    Step 2
    Start by filling in the dates for the next week or two—however far out you want to plan.
  • 3
    Step 3
    Then, decide what type of content you’re going to create for each session. This could be blog posts, social media posts, YouTube videos, emails, etc.
  • 4
    Step 4
    Once you’ve decided on the format, come up with some topics and related keywords that fit well with those formats. For example, if you’re planning on creating a blog post about productivity hacks for entrepreneurs, some relevant keywords might be “productivity tips” or “time management tips for entrepreneurs."
By brainstorming topics and keywords in advance, not only will you make better use of your time when it comes to actually creating the content, but the quality of your work will also improve drastically. That’s because when it comes time to sit down and write (or record or film), all the hard thinking will already be done—leaving you free to simply execute on your great ideas.

If this sounds like too much work upfront, don’t worry—it doesn’t have to be perfect from the beginning. The important thing is that start somewhere and build from there. As they say, “The perfect is the enemy of the good." Just getting started is what counts.

Or, you could also scroll down to the bottom of the page and get the template for free. 

A content calendar is an essential tool for any solopreneur who wants to optimize their content creation.

Creating a piece of content is only half the battle—you also need to promote it if you want people to actually see your published content. That's where content calendar tools come in handy. A content calendar gives you an overview of all the pieces of content you've created (or plan to create) similar to a content repository all on the same page. So you can easily see what upcoming content needs promoting and what important dates it needs to be published on . This makes it easy to repurpose and reuse your content, which saves you time scheduling posts in the long run. Not to mention ensuring a consistent flow of content ahead of time. You must post consistently and stick to the content schedule to maximize brand recognition.

In addition to promoting your existing content, a social media content calendar also allows you to plan ahead so you're never left scrambling for something new to post. When you have a clear idea of what needs to be done and when, it's much easier to hit your content scheduling goals. And when you have publishing content goals, it's easier to produce content and stop wasting time.

How To Use a Google Sheets Content Calendar Template

If you're like most one man shows, you wear a lot of hats. A content calendar, sometimes called an editorial calendar, can help you stay organized and on track with your content marketing efforts. I'll show you how to use a Google Sheets content calendar template to help you plan and execute your content marketing strategy.
There are a lot of different content calendar templates out there. I created this one to be simple and easy to use. It has three tabs - Calendar, Schedule, and Keywords.
  • 1
    Schedule tab

    First, you'll enter the start date on the schedule tab. The schedule will populate.
  • 2
    Keywords tab
    Then head over to the keywords tab. In the column headings, you'll enter your main categories. They can be topics, platforms, kinds of content (video, blog content, editorial content, etc) whatever works for you. Next, list your keywords under the appropriate column heading.
  • 3
    Schedule tab
    Go back over to the Schedule tab. Next to the date you choose, pick a category from the drop down menu. In the next two columns include the target keywords. Notes in the next column can be used to add additional details about your content. Sometimes I put the search volume and keyword difficulty in the notes column to remind myself later.
  • 4
    Calendar tab
    Then go to the Calendar tab and you'll see this week's schedule and next week's schedule laid out for you.
A content calendar is a valuable tool for any small business owner who is trying to stay focused and on track with their content marketing efforts. By using a template, like this one you can easily plan and execute your content marketing strategy.

But maybe you're looking for another kind of calendar? If you want a calendar template you can use for everything else, take a look at these templates.

How to Write Content That Stands Out

I'm often asked how to write content that will stand out from the noise. There's no easy answer, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of creating something special. In this post, I'll share five tips for writing content that stands out. Follow these tips and use an effective content calendar and you'll be on your way to creating content that cuts through the clutter and resonates with your audience.
1. Be authentic
The first step to writing content that stands out is to be authentic. This means writing in your own voice and sharing your own unique perspective on the world. When you're being authentic, you're not trying to copy someone else or imitate their style; you're being yourself, and that comes through in your writing. People can tell when you're being genuine, so don't try to fake it. Just be yourself, and let your personality shine through in your work.
2. Find your niche
Another key to writing standout content is to find your niche. You can't be all things to all people, so it's important to focus on a specific topic or audience. When you narrow your focus, you can go deeper into the topics that interest you and offer a more unique perspective than a generalist would be able to provide. Once you've found your niche, stick with it and don't try to expand too much into other areas. It's better to be known for one thing than for nothing at all.
3. Be timely and topical
Writing timely and topical content is a great way to get attention for your work. If you can write about a hot topic that's relevant to your audience, you're more likely to get noticed than if you write about something that's been done to death. But beware: if you choose a topic that's too controversial, you risk alienating part of your audience.Strike a balance between being timely and being safe, and you'll have a better chance of success.
4. Tell a story
People love stories, so tell them one! A well-told story can make even the driest topic interesting, so don't be afraid to inject some narrative into your work. Just make sure the story is relevant to the point you're trying to raise; otherwise, you risk confusing or frustrating your reader. If done well, a story can be a powerful way to make your content stand out.
5 . Keep it focused
Another key to writing amazing content is to make sure each piece is focused on a single topic. Trying to cover too many topics in a single article will only serve to confuse your readers and make your content less effective. When you focus each piece of content on a single topic, you can go into greater depth and provide your readers with more value. In addition, focused articles are typically more engaging and easier to read than sprawling articles that try to cover too much ground.

When it comes to content, less is often more. Brevity is a great virtue, so try to pack your point into fewer words whenever possible. Not only will this make your content easier for people to read and digest, but it will also force you to be more concise in your thinking, which can result in a better quality of content overall. So when you feel like you're rambling on, cut it out and get to the right point. People will thank you for it!
6. Write about what you know.
One of the best ways to ensure that your content is amazing is to write about topics that you're already familiar with. When you write about something you know, it's easier to be engaging and informative because you don't have to spend as much time researching. In addition, writing about topics you understand will help ensure that your tone is confident and your voice comes across as authoritative.
7. Make it visually appealing.
People are visual creatures, which means that making your content visually appealing is essential if you want people to actually read it. Whenever possible, break up your text with images, infographics, charts, and other visuals. Not only will this make your content more enjoyable to read, but it will also help people retain information better. And when people can easily digest and remember your content, they're more likely to share it with others.
Creating amazing content doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming; just follow these simple tips and you'll be well on your way to producing high-quality content that will resonate with your audience. And remember, the most important thing is to write about topics you're passionate about so that your excitement comes through in your writing!

If you want to create stand out content, there's no one line to follow that guarantees success. But if you keep these five tips in mind, you'll be well on the way to creating something that cuts through the clutter and resonates with your target audience. So get writing, and don't forget to be authentic, find your niche, be timely and topical, tell a story, and keep it short and sweet! Good luck!
Free Content Calendar Download!


A content calendar is an essential tool for any solopreneur who wants to create better content in time. By brainstorming topics and keywords in advance, not only will you make better use of your time when it comes to actually creating the content, but the quality of your work will also improve drastically. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!